The area of Chapra Union is 23.50 square kilometers
Total villages of Chapra union 22
34,820 people of the total population of Chapra Union
Male 17758 people
Woman 17062 people
Total number of voters of Chapra Yunyan
Male 10855 people
Female 10255
Number of government primary schools in Chapra union 8
The number of private primary schools in Chapra union 4
There are 9 number of Ebtedia madrasas in Chapra union
The number of mosques in Chapar union is 16
Government Community Hospital 2
Chapra Union Tax Holding Number 4855
Total number of households in Chapra union is 5293
Total land area of Chapra Union is 1689.91 acres
The amount of total land area of the Chapra union is 1638.78 acres
Total untimely land area of Chapra Union 51.13 acres
The total raw road of the Chapra Union is 48 kilometers
The total cultivated road of Chapra Union is 12 kilometers
Total ward of Chapra union 9
Number of total memorial of Chapra Union is 12
The number of Chapra union's total dafadari chakidars is 9
Chapra Union Parishad's total assets are 50 Century
The total number of rivers in the chapra union (garai) is 1
Chhatra Union's river number (dead Kali river) 3
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS